Youth Sabbath School

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Cornerstone Connections is favored by many Adventist churches for teens.  North Valley SDA Church will start using this curriculum for the teens.

Do well to study the curriculum to be well prepared to discuss the lesson in next week's Sabbath School.

Pray that the Holy Spirit would speak to you as you study your lesson.

Apply the lesson thoughts to your personal life.


Select below to view the curriculum






Sabbath School Daily Devotions

Print the curriculum and write the answers to the questions for each day of the week so you will be prepared to discuss them in class next Sabbath.


By any measure John the Baptist was one of the most interesting figures in the entire Bible. He looked different, dressed differently, and preached a unique message.

John’s clothes were made of camel’s hair, and he had a leather belt around his waist. His food was locusts and wild honey. (Matthew 3:4)

Answer the questions and read through the comments for this day


Read the Into the Story section, then complete the Out of the Story questions

What are the requirements that God desires us to meet before baptism?

Read the listed Bible verses and write down your answers beside each Bible verse


Read this week's Key Text. As compliments go, this is one of the best ones in the Bible. Jesus recognized the special role that John the Baptist played in preparing the way for His ministry.

Answer the questions for this day


In Today's Flashlight quotation Ellen White notes that John the Baptist grew up far away from the city--actually, in the desert. She also noted about the education that is most favorable for character development: "The more free from artificial excitement, and the more in harmony with nature,--the more favorable is it to physical and mental vigor and to spiritual strength" (Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, p.74).

Answer the questions for this day


Read the Punch Lines for this week.

John was calling people to repentance and was baptizing them. However, it was the work of the Holy Spirit to convict people of sin and help them to live a new life through Christ.

Answer the question for this day

Have you experienced the influence of the Holy Spirit in your life in an abundant measure? Ask for the Holy Spirit so that He may enable you to live a new life for Jesus.


This week you have been studying about the life and ministry of John the Baptist, the man chosen by God to prepare the way for Jesus' public ministry.

Answer the question for this day


Ellen White wrote of John the Baptist: "John was to go forth as Jehovah's messenger, to bring men the light of God. He must give a new direction to their thoughts. He must impress them with the holiness of God's requirements, and their need of His perfect righteousness" (The Desire of Ages, p. 100).

Answer the questions for this day


Bible Verses

Key Text

Truly I tell you, among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet whoever is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.  (Matthew 11:11)

Select a link to read the Into the Story Bible verses and Bible verse(s) given for each day.

Into The Story Read Matt 3:1-17
Sabbath Read Romans 6:1-6
Sunday Read Matt 3 and complete the Out of the Story questions.

Question: What are the requirements that God desires us to meet before baptism?
Write down you answers next to each verse for Sunday.

Read Acts 2:38

Read Acts 8:36-37

Read Matt 28:19-20

Monday Read Galatians 3:27 and Key Text
Tuesday Read Luke 1:80
Wednesday Read Romans 5:8 and read the Punch Lines Bible verses this week.
Thursday Read Acts 22:16
Friday Read Mark 16:16


This week's reading The Desire of Ages chapters 10 & 11

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